Çok uzaklarda (poetry video)

Poem: Nerkiz Şahin Video: Yüksel Çilingir

13 June 2020

Leren op afstand

Afstandsonderwijs… We grijpen het tegenwoordig als reddingsvest.  Maar is afstandsonderwijs voldoende? Voordat we deze vraag beantwoorden, moeten we eens kijken naar wat onderwijs of leren is… Wat is leren? Wat is onderwijs? Leren.. We beginnen te leren vanaf het moment dat we geboren zijn. Er is geen school of leraar. Er is alleen de omgeving […]

31 March 2020

Bektaş Elma – Portfolio

EN: You may find below the compilations of portrait and film/stage scene photos as well as a showreel video.

28 February 2020


Wij leven allemaal in het universum. Maar er is ook een universum binnen in elk wezen. En dit universum heeft zowel vrouwelijke als mannelijke aspecten. Als mens, zowel mannen als vrouwen, hebben wij ook veel vergelijkbare aspecten in onze biologie.  In de geschiedenis, was het onderwijs eerst alleen beschikbaar voor de jongens. Het is veel […]

11 February 2020

“Kamishibai” in asylum centers

“Kamishibai” in asylum centers He said, my name is Irfan. “Do you know the meaning?” I asked. Of course, he didn’t know. How would he?.. Before he had the opportunity to learn, he fell on the road at such an early age. He escaped from the everlasting fire of the Middle East with his family […]

De Morgen

Photo of Gülcan Kahraman for her book advice article in De Morgen. Book: Madonna met bontjas – Sabahattin Ali

5 January 2020

Contemporary Dance Workshop

A contemporary dance workshop was conducted by Seppe Baeyens with the local community from multiple backgrounds between 8-12 April 2019 in Brussels. The workshop was held in Ultima Vez Studio and was followed by a performance at Simonis Metro Station entrance.


Cities… People… Separations, reunions… One of the most important places of a city where people meet are obviously the train stations. And train journeys and stations have historically taken place at the heart of poems, novels and artwork. For this reason, Akrostiş Literature Magazine dedicated its latest issue to train journeys and stations. What is […]

30 November 2019

Stations in Frame

Photo series on theme of trains and train stations; Published in Akrostiş Literature Magazine “Stations” Edition. Also exhibited during the lancering event at Antwerp Station.

30 November 2019

Ülkü Dursun

She first picked up the microphone when she was a 4-year-old girl. When she was 17, she supported young people by participating in social projects with her own songs. She became a psychologist, reaching out to women in distress. As a screenwriter and actor, she made spot films. Now she both as artist and social […]

21 October 2019