The lives of the Belgian born Turkish youngsters as well as the adults change through acting study as it helps them to improve their self expression and self confidence. Participated in Life Long Learning Short Film Contest. In Turkish. Scenario/Cinematography/Director: Yüksel Çilingir Editor: Kenan Erer
A spot film on parent pressure on girls. The father puts his daughter’s make-up and his trust on her in the same pot. He ironically enjoys a song in which the lips are resembled to rose by a lover. In Turkish. Story: Ülkü Dursun Scenario: Ülkü Dursun, Yüksel Çilingir Actors: İrem Korkmazer, Yüksel Çilingir Cinematography: […]
“Hou vast! Laat los!” is een theaterstuk, waar toneel en performances samen smelten. De tekst van de twee monologen, komt uit het boek “Vrouwenverhalen”, geschreven door Deniz Kaptan. Trailer: Yüksel Çilingir Het gemeenschappelijke van deze verhalen? Leven in een samenleving waar mannen heersen, vastgeklemd tussen verantwoordelijkheden en eigen wensen, en de moeilijkheden des levens die […]
Poem: Cenk Gündoğdu Reader: Ece Dizdar Music : Kenan Erer Actors: Kenan Erer, Yüksel Çilingir Cinematography: Kenan Erer, Yüksel Çilingir Editor: Kenan Erer Director: Yüksel Çilingir Producer: Yüksel Çilingir In Turkish.
In the first meeting with volunteer supporters of Els Rochette, we asked “Why Els?” to both her and to the participants.
Book introduction through workshop with children and talk session with parents. Author/Physicologist: Asena Yurtsever Publication Company: Anya Yayın Workshop: Ayna Training and Physicology Consultation Centre Hosted by: BKM Books Kids Club Organiser: Sevgi Uyumaztürk Activity Management 18 May 2019
i love may: Maar 1 mei is vooral een feestdag die met zoveel mogelijk Brusselaars samen moet gevierd worden. Sinds 2005 organiseren sp.a Brussel en Curieus daarom een gratis stadsfestival voor jong en oud. 13de editie van het jaarlijks gratis stadsfestival op het St-Katelijneplein ter gelegenheid van de Dag van de Arbeid: veel muziek, […]
Mini intro of Snack Saint Catherine with the staff (Yusuf Alphan)
Vocal: Ülkü Dursun Piano: Charles Slingeneyer Master/Mix: Julien Huyssens Direction Artistique:Eerik Maurage Video: Yüksel Çilingir
In the end of February, Cinemaximiliaan organised a one-week workshop with master students of LUCA School of Arts, during which 5 short movies were written, shot and edited. All movies were made under the theme of “being stuck” and the tasks were divided equally within each group. GARAGE BLUES – thriller – 4’24” – color […]