“Play the guitar, play it again, my JohnnyMaybe you’re cold but you’re so warm inside” The beautiful words and the melody of Johnny Guitar have warmed our hearts for years. The song was made by Peggy Lee and Victor Young. Challenging the audience’s paradigm about western movies, the film was directed by the legendary Nicholas Ray and was released in 1954. In the […]
On the one hand, we are trying to attribute a meaning to everything. On the other hand, life constantly reminds us of its meaning. If knowledge is formed by experience, how can we then say that we have knowledge about life without understanding the experiences? We come to the world as individuals. One. One is […]
Een duif… Een soort duif maar toch anders dan een duif. “Kumru” in het Turks. Zij vertrok van uit de Balkan. Zij kwam aan, aan de kust van de Marmara Zee. Naar een stad met smalle wegen: ‘Evreşe’. De stad had zelfs een eigen Turks lied, genaamd: ‘Evreşe yolları dar’ (De wegen van Evreşe zijn smal). […]
Afstandsonderwijs… We grijpen het tegenwoordig als reddingsvest. Maar is afstandsonderwijs voldoende? Voordat we deze vraag beantwoorden, moeten we eens kijken naar wat onderwijs of leren is… Wat is leren? Wat is onderwijs? Leren.. We beginnen te leren vanaf het moment dat we geboren zijn. Er is geen school of leraar. Er is alleen de omgeving […]
“Kamishibai” in asylum centers He said, my name is Irfan. “Do you know the meaning?” I asked. Of course, he didn’t know. How would he?.. Before he had the opportunity to learn, he fell on the road at such an early age. He escaped from the everlasting fire of the Middle East with his family […]
Cities… People… Separations, reunions… One of the most important places of a city where people meet are obviously the train stations. And train journeys and stations have historically taken place at the heart of poems, novels and artwork. For this reason, Akrostiş Literature Magazine dedicated its latest issue to train journeys and stations. What is […]
When colonialism and looting were deemed legitimate, the invaders saw everything in their own right. Natural resources, processed products … And the worst of all; people … They stole and sold them… They became nightmares for many people and took away their lives. As they claimed these places as an extension of their country and […]
Most film festivals are called by the name of the city in which city they are organised. But there is a festival that breaks this rule; MOOOV Film Festival. In Belgium, it is carried out in seven different cities at the same time. Moreover, there are separate sections for children during the festival. And after […]
Sometimes a sentence from a book remains in mind, sometimes a scene from a movie. From the movie Mandela, his fight with his wife has remained in my mind. When Mandela came out of jail and had power, he chose not to fight against the white, but against discrimination. His wife, on the other hand, was eager to take the revenge of the past years. The greatness of Mandela lies here rather than his years of torture and imprisonment.
Tightrope Walkers Every neighborhood had empty yards. “Where are you going, boy?”, the mother would ask. The answer was mostly “to the yard!”. Besides, every age had a peer. Most of them were also classmates at school. The children of the neigborhood plated football in the yards. But there was also, bike renting man who […]