Larry Moffett; a US citizien, living in Brussels, an activist. – he is a member of Democrats Abroad and promotes voting of US citizens from abroad for the US elections. – he initiates activities to involve expatriats in Belgian local elections to further input EU citizienship concept in the management of especially Brussels, the capital […]
We are starting a new program VISITANT with a Belgian melody to keep the pulse of Belgian local elections and provide information to the voters. In this program, we explaín overall elections background system ın Belgium. Please like our Facebook page and subscribe to our You Tube channel to follow closely. Belçika yerel seçimlerinin nabzını […]
Brüksel yolsuzluktan şeffaflığa nasıl geçmeye çalışıyor? Belçika vatandaşı olmadan aday olunur mu? Vatandaş Listesi oluşumları Parti devrini bitiriyor mu? Türk Mahallesinde neler oluyor?
Nous avons posé des questions cruciales: Elle a répondu ouvertement. Pour quelle raison participez vous aux élections? Quelle est la première chose que vous allez mettre en place? Il y aurait des rumeurs concernant votre soutien au DHKP-C et il semblerait que vous ne seriez pas favorable à l operation militaire d Afrin menée par […]
Founder of CHANGE BRUSSELS explains the vision of the new Citizens List.
Candidat de CDH + CD&V, Chantal Matthys dit: Pendant que nous développons la ville, nous garderons également ses traditions.
PLAN B is a new Citizens initiation for the local elections in Brussels. The young initiators explain why/how they want to focus on Transparency and Citizens involvement in Municipal management.
Young Italian candidate is suggesting to introduce English as official administrative language in Brussels!